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ONE mentorship, EVERYTHING you need.

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forex mentorship

100% complete. 100% personal. Become a profitable forex trader.

Real Results

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Personal Attention

You are not on your own. Our program is designed to make you a profitable trader. This is done via 1-on-1 coaching. 

1-on-1 zoom conversations

The forex mentorship comes with 5 1-on-1  Zoom calls. During these calls you can ask all your questions and we make sure you are on the right track.

Proven concepts

We use concepts that have stood the test of time. They are all proven & tested. This gives you a statistical edge that you can work with and use to profit in the markets.

The goal of the forex mentorship program

This program is for everyone that struggles to make consistent money from forex trading. 


This program teaches you everything you need to know to become a consistently profitable forex trader.

At the end of the program, you will have:

  • A clear & proven strategy that works

  • Structure in your trading

  • A strategy to fix your psychological issues

  • A feedback mechanism to keep improving 

  • All the information you need to build your own strategies in the future

  • All the tools to become a professional trader

  • Finally a profitable trading edge



They followed the program as well

"Cas focuses on a mechanical approach which makes it very clean and clear and thus easy to understand. I came to learn more about combining liquidity with a true edge and I'm very happy with what I learned.

Cas backs up his trades with statistics which removes as much subjectivity as possible. He is one of the very few people I've seen who truly treats trading as a business.

If you're looking for straight to the point value with no unnecessary filler material to try to make the course seem artificially large, then CDFX is the right place for you, I highly recommend them.

Also, the support from Cas and his willingness to ensure that true value has been received is unparalleled in my opinion."



'' Cas is hands down one of the most knowledgeable and skilled traders that I know of.

CDFX applies a no nonsense approach to trading which eliminates all the noise and hype.


The advice is incredibly objective as a result of the amount of work put in behind the scenes.

This entails trading based on statistical probabilities gleaned from the collection of a huge amount of data.


My personal experience has been very positive. After reaching out to CDFX and applying the advice given, my trading improved a great deal.

My winning percentage has gone up from 33% to 61% with 20% account growth for the month of April 2021. 


Lloyd McFarlane

The problem

90% of the traders fail. Why? They have the wrong expectations, they are learning from people that are not profitable themselves and they do not having a clear trading edge.

The soluTION

Forex mentorship given by a professional FX trader. 1-on-1 coaching to make you a consistently profitable forex trader. Everything is backed up by statistics, nothing is based on gut feeling. 

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Cas Daamen

Professional FX trader


Trades for:


  • India based hedgefund

  • Private investors

  • Propietrary trading firm

How does the mentorship program work?

 The AeI method

1. Absorbing

The video lessons teach you all the concepts you need to learn. Go over them at your own speed & take notes.

2. Executing

Make your homework, ask questions and take action on the information you learned.

3. improving

We review, give feedback and make adjustments so that you learn from your mistakes.


Every month we have a 1-on-1 online meeting to make sure you are on the right track.

The 1-on-1 coaching takes about 4-5 months. During these months you will learn everything you need to know to become a consistently profitable trader, using a mechanical trading edge and developing your own trading edge.


So, no need to follow any more courses and waste time and money, this is all you need.


You will get access to our private community and once you finish our coaching, you get a certificate.


Make sure you know the absolute basics before you apply. We don't teach you that, it's freely available online.

What you will learn

Module 1: Strategy​


* Market Phases

* Liquidity

* Backtesting

* Risk Management

* Trading Strategy Overview

* Live Trade Examples


Module 2: Preparation & Reviewing​


* Making a Trading Plan

* Trading Journal

* Trading Routines


Module 3: Psychology​


* Psychology


Module 4: Continues Improvement & More​


* The Reality Of Trading

* Choosing Your Markets

* Trade Management

* Growing a Small Account

* Increasing Performance

* How To Get A Job As A Trader & Get More Funds

* General Trading Tips

Guaranteed Success!


It's simple. We are confident in what we do.


If you do everything we tell you to do in the course and you don't have a profitable strategy after you have finished the course, we will give you 3 times your money back.


This is how confident we are in our approach.


So, you pay for the course and get a profitable strategy, or, you get 3 times your money back.


0 risk.


Ready to take serious steps? Start today.

Ready to finally become a profitable trader?

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